Improve Oil Recovery

Less than 10% of the original oil in place (OOIP) in heavy oil fields is typically recovered through primary production, with most reservoirs then being abandoned without enhanced oil recovery (EOR) being applied. Which makes neither financial nor environmental sense!

GERI (General Energy Recovery Inc.)'s Direct Contact Steam Generation (DCSG) technology is designed to improve heavy oil recovery by combining multiple, proven EOR mechanisms that address both the properties of the oil AND of the reservoir. It restores pressure and increases oil displacement and recovery by:

  • REDUCING OIL VISCOSITY by adding heat
  • RE-PRESSURIZING THE RESERVOIR and replenishing its drive mechanism by injecting non-condensable flue gases
  • REDUCING HEAT LOSS TO THE OVERBURDEN by creating an insulating blanket of non-condensable flue gases (mainly nitrogen) at the top of the reservoir
  • IMPROVING SWEEP EFFICIENCY with simultaneous gas override and water underride sweep


To discuss which GERI (General Energy Recovery Inc.) application is best suited to boosting recovery rates in your underperforming wells, contact us.